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longlonglin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(Christmas lighting @ Downtown LA outside WF building)

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Can you guess who's art work is this?
Does this picutre remind you of Olivia in Popeye?

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I got this cute SPA basket from Jane this weekend.....

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I'm dedicating this article to my friend, Lily in Netherlands who takes risk to pursue her dream and experiences life fully.

Lily dropped us a note from Netherlands this weekend. For some reasons I was truly touched by her e-mail and can really see how much my old friend has grown in the past few months.

Lily was my roommate from Santa Barbara. Earlier this year, she moved across Atlantic Ocean to be with her love in Netherlands for few years. As someone who has lived her whole life following rules carefully, I analyzed and tried to talk her out of it.  "You has a good job in San Francisco that you love, you can't just give up your career."  "It's only two years and he will be stationed back to U.S soon.  True love can survive these two years, and you can't just quit your life here and move to a foreign country".  "Maybe you should try to find a job in Netherlands first and then move. You can't even speak Dutch".  I can still remember sitting in my living room this Spring and both Chia and I were trying to rationalize with her.  After weeks of consideration, Lily still decided to move.  Being her friends we might think it's a risky decision & crazy idea but we support her and wish her well.

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I came home this evening and was suprised to see.......

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This is what I'm currently reading - For One More Day by Mitch Albom.  I'm only one third through the book, so you would need to wait for a while till my review.  The book explores the question of what would you do if you could spend one more day with a lost loved one?  
From time to time, we put things, people and feelings on hold and take them for granted with the assumption that we would have one more day later to deal with it.  What if you just miss that one more day and don't have the chance to fix it?  What you would of done differently?  

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Alright,  I am back.......
I've been so busy with my new job for a week now.  Today, I finally left at more decent hour!!!!  The new job is going well, I like my new boss and people in the office.  It's just really hard trying to clean up previous person's mess in a limited time.  One of the advantage of this job is to travel more frequent to SF - I can see little Hannah more often, can have my favoriate BBQ, and hang out with KK.  That's exactly what I did on Monday.

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I've started to miss living by myself. 

The freedom of just wake up in the morning and get ready to work.   Beucase sometimes in the morning, you are in the rush and don't really like to chick chat.

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I am glad to report that I am finally settled at Mom & Dad's.  Fully unpacked, internet/cable ready, and also got spare time to get my manicure and pedicure.
Mom and Dad were great helpers .  We worked well as a team,  as I unpacked everything, Mom helped clean up my furnitures, and Dad started to flatten the cardboardbox.  We finished unpacking everything within 3 hours.  

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Today is my moving day!  The mover is going to be here around 8-10am.  This time around, I don't need to do much packing, becuase the company has assigned me a moving company to do both my packing and move.  
Last night, I only packed items that I want to bring with me today and also categorized my household goods into three buckets:  Permanent purge, temporary storage, and need to unpacked.  This will help my unloading on Friday easier....Not much to do beside waiting for the mover to come. 

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I'm glad that my parents taught me basic common courtesies when I was young.  Clean up after yourself, respect others privacy, it's not polite to stare at strangers,  push chairs in after you leave, etc.  Maybe that's why I can't stand some people who go to the gym and seem to have no common courtesy.

Locker room manner for self absorbed blind one:

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Thank you all the families and friends out there who have helped me selling my lovely furniture. 
I was able to find a temporary home for my beloved piano, and the sofa set has been earmarked by Debra's friend, May.

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As I down size my living space for the next year or two (hopefully).  I am selling some of my furniture.  I picked up this item about four years ago when I first moved back to California. Robert & Karin drove me around various furniture shops (Thank you!!!!):  Ikea, Crate & Barrel, Scandian Design, Levitz, and etc.  My mind was elsewhere most likely wasn’t fully operated, and just tried to get settle as soon as possible.  I didn’t do too much bargain hunting.  All I can remember is within two weeks of moving back to California. I got a car, a lease for a new apartment, a completed furniture sets, and an empty saving account. 

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It's Wednesday.  Why is Auntie Longlong at Grandpa?  Cool!  I have one more person to play with.  

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My blog reached 1,000 vistors today!  
Thank you all of my families, friends, and strangers out there who have patiently allowed me to share with you my happiness, fun, thought and venting. 
It has been a great Blog Ride.  I am looking forward to more amazing blog experience.

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I've been moving around the country for many years, one of my biggest headache is to find a new hair styler in a new place.  I'm very particular on hair - admittedly kind of picky, so once I found a good styler, I would be loyal to him or her till I move.  From NYC Astor Place's Dominic to Bay Area Stilo's Sasha, I've gone to both of them for years......  
For some reason, I'm stll looking for my perfect hair styler here in So. CA.  It's almost too expesive to go up to Bay Area every 2 months for color and cut  -(well, which I did for few times already out of desperation).....  So I started to go to Michael near Focus Plaza (See Smalln's articlue on Michael:  http://www.wretch.cc/blog/smalln5683&article_id=8698645).  My whole families go there, Mom, Dad, Smalln, Steve and even Samuel.   I seemed to be the only one complaining.... Every time after my visit, I would complain and promise myself that this will be my last visit.  My color faded after few washes, too much layer that makes me look like FOB.  I was not a happy customer.  However, I keep going back becuase convenience of the location - most importantly, I don't know where else to go.  

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I heard this quote from the sermon this morning - I thought it's quite enlightling, and really show how stupid a person is for hodling grudge.

"Unforgivenss is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die."

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I wonder how she looks like now?  Does she get more teeth? more hairs?  and still likes to smile a lot? 
It's been a while since I saw our little princess, Hannah.
Hannah's Mom and Dad are lazy, and don't send us more pictures.  The last picture I got from Hannah's dad was "Hannah's Feb '06 Picture" collection- almost 6 months now. 

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I can't beleive my eyes!!!!
My electricity bill is here.  $93!!!!!

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