目前分類:Shopping (20)

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我有一雙朝思暮想的黑高跟鞋.  笑想了幾個月, 就是狠不下心買的黑色高跟鞋.  其實雖然我很愛買包包, 鞋子.  不過也都算是Bargain hunter.  特別是鞋子.  我愛好鞋, 因為穿起來真的比較舒服. 不過不打折, 我一般是買不下手的.
我想買這雙 Cole Haan 的鞋有幾個月了.  這是一雙今年流行的黑色亮皮 peeptoe.  更厲害的是有Cole Haan 著名的  Nike Air  腳墊設計.  所以穿起來很舒服. 前一陣子看一齣節目, 介紹Cole Haan 品牌.  Cole Haan 的開創者以前是為著名的建築師.   因此他把一些建築的基本原理運用在做鞋上.  蓋大樓最重要的就是地基,  就跟女人穿高跟鞋 一般.  如何讓那小小的跟支撐著一個女人的重量,  而且走路時不搖晃,  就像建造一個好地基一樣.  Cole Haan 的高跟鞋就算是四寸, 也很舒服.

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前幾天收到Gucci 的通知, 冬季Sales 將於 12/3 開始.  可上網挖寶喔.......

不要告訴太多人不然好康會被搶走 所以限好友而以

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OL 最近少運動,  又上班坐一整天,  鮪魚肚日日增加.  當然運動節食是斬草除根之計.  不過如果要立即見效的撇步,  我推 SPANX POWER PANTIES !!!!

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度假回來了.  這次vacation有點短,  去時飛機delay五小時   , 前幾天下雨 ....有些掃興.   不過overall vacation 還不錯.
大家都很好奇我這次又買了什麼?  應眾親友 要求,  先post 夏威夷的戰利品.  Waikiki 真的是購物天堂.  稅低, 各樣名牌店聚集一方.  我就像小孩進糖果店一樣,  無法自拔掉.  不過 四天下來,  我逛累了,  錢也花光了

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太爽了,  剛發現 Louis Vuitton  Murakami 設計的 蘑菇男孩系, 在洛杉磯MOCA博物館展覽.   有專櫃限量發行蘑菇男孩系列. 
更好康的是 MOCA博物館......就在我公司對面!!!!!  等不急去瞧瞧了.  我公司員工可免費參觀MOCA博物館.

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這個週末什麼事都沒做, 就是只有敗家.  說真的, 我是真的很愛買. 衣服, 皮包, 鞋子, 化妝品 - 雜七雜八 樣樣買.  家裡待不住, 週末大小店亂逛.  現在連Nordstrom 專櫃小姐都認識我......  OL 我沒啥大興趣. 逛街, SPA, 做指甲就是我最大的消遣.  聽起來好像很膚淺. 不過我就是這樣, 沒辦法. 
不過我也不怕別人說我膚淺敗家.  反正我自己賺自己花, 別人也管不著.

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Yummy Guava Fruit Rolls from Trader Joe

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Someone once told me that "there is no ugly woman only lazy woman".  Keeping that in mind, also with another year passes by - I decided to take a better care of my skin, upgrade my skin products, and keep up with my skin care routine..... 

I asked Mom to brought back some mask from Taiwan.  Buying Mask from Taiwan is the best deal...cheap and good. Mom's cousin is a licensed facial lady in Taiwan, she recommended this brand.  Use it once a week to keep the skin mositurized.  It's easy to use and not messy.

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Mom and Dad are finally back home after weeks of visiting Grandmas in Taiwan.  I'm so happy....not only I don't need to be home alone but also get lots of goodies from my birth place.  it's so much fun openning gifts while listening about their trips, stories of relatives, foods they ate, and places they visisted.  I want to visit Taiwan, too 

They brings back a lot of snack........

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I bought few things this weekend.  Lately I've been good and haven't gone crazy shopping.  .

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Today is our long awaiting Mother & Daughter's Day.  It's the first free Saturday since I moved back home almost a month ago.  I was busy with work for the past few weeks plus some traveling.  Finally today I can enjoy a worry free Saturday with Mom and do a little shopping at Ikea.  Mom has been wanting to visit Ikea for the longest time.

We arrived a bit before noon.  We were both starving so we went straight to Ikea's cafeteria. I like Ikea's cafeteria, it's clean and spacious.  We picked a window seat with a view of San Bernardino Valley, and enjoyed our lunch.

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Yeah!  My order from Drugstore.com is here.  This is the 2nd time I ordred from drugstore.com.  I really like its products and services.  The delivery is fast and free.  The package is well wrapped, so it won't be damaged.  (Can you see that bottle is nicely packaged with plasic wrap?)

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I like to wonder around on Saturday.  I don't really care about the heat wave, I just can't stand staying home. 

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I always thought I have an unshakeable mind.  I don't easily get persuaded by sales person -  I know what I need the best, I really don't need a sales person to tell me that.  I used to laugh at those women, who go to the cosmetic counter and let the sales lady talks them into buy extra cosmetic they don't need.... I used to call them "weak mind".   Well, somehow, I had joined the club this weekend.

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Per numerous requests, I'm finally put up my prize from Gucci annual sales on my blog .  

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Gucci Annual Sales is on..... Hurry to check out

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Nordstorm Half Yearly Sale This Week 

--It’s biggest clearance sales of the season--


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I received my package from Drugstore.com today (http://www.drugstore.com). My hair has been super dry lately, maybe it's the So. CA sun.... Jane has tried this hair mask from Drugstore.com, and has strongly recommended me to give it a try.

The shipping process was fast, the product arrived within a week of my order. Plus, the shipping is "FREE".

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My addiction to Jeans.....

I couldn't remember how it started.... I used to think it's ridiculous to spend so much money on a pair of jeans. What's different between a $20 Old Navy jeans vs. $200 Seven Jeans....

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