
Mom and Dad are finally back home after weeks of visiting Grandmas in Taiwan.  I'm so happy....not only I don't need to be home alone but also get lots of goodies from my birth place.  it's so much fun openning gifts while listening about their trips, stories of relatives, foods they ate, and places they visisted.  I want to visit Taiwan, too 

They brings back a lot of snack........
Roasted Chestnut.....although we can buy chestnut here in U.S., but the roast chestnut in Taiwan is better.... it's sweeter.

The Wedding Cake.  This is my favoriate.  This is the type of cake, people give out for wedding.  It's crunchy outside and inside is filled with sweet bean paste. 

Nuts with crystalized candy....not a big fan of it.... but the wrapping is cute

Some almond cookie and pineapple cake.

Being the grandparents who spoile their grandchildren, of course, they brought some toys & clothes for Samuel and Hannah. 

The best of all is this home made peach rice wine from Dad's best friend in Taiwan.  I love it!!! Dad brought back this peach wine once few years ago, and I was hooked.  It's pretty strong and is tasted like Vodka but with hint of peach after taste...... so good....

I also get few accessories.
Black pearls necklace and some keychain.

Mom also got me this Tiger clay portrait at the duty free for my birthday .  I was borned in year of Tiger. Maybe I will put this in my office - it's kind of empty there now....

I also asked Mom to pick up this little dispay for me.  I want to give it to a co-worker as a small shower gift....It's so cute Chinese bride and groom.

I am glad that Mom and Dad had a great trip.  They got to spend time with their moms.....and visited some old friends.  
It's great to have them back.  Listening to their stories - somehow it connects me closer to my root in Taiwan again.  Maybe it's time for me to pay a visit after 16 years of missing in actions.......

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