目前分類:Work (17)

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要去Vacation 了.  原本要休一整個星期, 不過忙不過來.  看來星期四回來後, 又得進公司了.  唉........

走之前就讓我抱怨一下幾個月前請的菜鳥吧.  請這小鬼, 真的是我接這份工作後最大的mistake.........

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9:00pm, it's another late night at work.  It has been my straight 80 hours work week for the past two weeks..... 
I tried to convince myself, one more week then it will get better. 
I turned on the TV, watched the re-run of Greys' Anatomy while wrapping few more things up.  Just as I thought things couldn't get worse, the building alarm went off...........................

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Today is Monday, another work week.., so let me kick off the work week for you with a visit to my office.

Here is my little crib. 

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I went to NBA game on Saturday night  - Lakers vs. Cliper at Staple Center.


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I drove up to Santa Barbara for a meeting last week.  Although it's only a day trip, but an opportunity to visit my college down is great.  
I left house a bit after 6am and brought Mom's breakfast with love.  It's great living at home, Mom prepared me breakfast to go every day:  a bag of fruit, and toasted bite size PB&J.  Thank you, Mom!

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I haven't seen men who wear cuff links for a long time.  In NYC, especailly in I-banking, men loves to wear cuff links.   During my weekly regional meeting this morning, as our boss went on and on about how screw up our compensation plan is for the 10th times, I tried to find things to entertain myself.  Suddenly I noticed all the men in the conference room wear cuff links  - this is so rare for California.  Cuff links represents classic and old school, it's hard to link it with morden & relax So. California.  But I guess banking is old school......

My boss had the traditional black and gold cuff link, with his initials on it.  I notcied he also had his initial on his white shirt.  Regional manager from Beverly Hill had a silver knot cuff link- it looks like Tiffany's - I wonder if it's white gold.   RM from westlake village wore a simple silver square one.  The other manager had a titanium one on.  Just as women secrectly check out each others outfits, shoes, jewelry, and even manicure during meetings - these men seem to have some kind of secert competition on cuff links.  I wonder next time who will come in with 5 carats diamond cuff links to the meeting.....

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I've started my new job today.  Although it's only my first day, I feels like I've never left this place.....

I arrived to the office a bit before 8am since my new boss is usually in around 7am.  He was on the conference call when I arrived.  I said hi to him, and just went directly to my office myself.  I figured it must be my office since there is no name tag, there are key, office supplies and HR booklet with my name on it, so I knew it's my new office.  My new office is nice, it has a flat TV screen on the wall.  I don't think I will watch much TV since I am sitting across from my boss office with glass wall. .   I did feel a little strange because indirectly I kicked out the old finance manager from his office, and he moved over to the cube.

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It's finally over - my last day at WaMu.  I feel relief, but I know I will miss the people here, the nice & clean campus, and for sure my casual work outfits. 

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Today is my last day at Wamu, and so far I've only been to the office for less than 15 minutes and I am alreayd pissed off and ready to leave.

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I was sitting at my office doing nothing this morning, suddenly I heard click click sounds coming from the cubicle in front of me.  "Hmmm... that sounds like someone is doing xxxx....No, it can not be."  The sound continued for a while.  "It really sounds like someone is doing xxxxx".   Being bored and nosiey, I walked out of my office and pretended to walk by.  Alright, someone is really Cutting her Nails.  The sound continued for 10 minutes since she neeeds to cut all her 10 fingure nails.  I hope she didn't need to cut her toe nails as well, it might be bit hard to lift her feet on the table......  Wow,  I guess she really feels like home at this office.

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After a satisfying dinner, Chia and I both felt too full to go straight home.  So, we walked over to Barnes and Nobel.  I decided to pick up few gift books for my staffs as my going away little thank you gifts.

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There is never an easy way to quit a job. I finally gave my boss my two week notice.

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Dear Families & Families - i have a good news to share today.  I finally got my new offer this afternoon, and I verbally accepted it!  Once I got the offical offer letter tomororw, I will "QUIT" my job (FINALLY)!!!

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement in the past months.    My family kept reminding me through out this job hunting process - God will prepare me a perfect job in his prefect timing.  Debra also said the same thing to me, and today she told me "See, when it's the job God is preparing for you, everything is going to come smoothly".  Yes, my intervew process and compensation offering have been smooth.  The compesnation package is above my expectation which I didn't even need to negotiate.  

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We had another farewell lunch for a colleague at BJ today.  He is leaving banking to join the exciting entertainment industry. 

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Can we really speak candidly at the workplace?  
I’m heading up to Seattle for an offsite tomorrow.  One of the main topics is to discuss the result of Employee Survey and to determine appropriated action steps. 

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