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一般人去夏威夷度假 都喜歡吃 buffet 早餐,  我當然也愛pig out.   不過最讓我念念不忘的夏威夷早餐是在ABC Store  買的 夏威夷飯糰 (Spam Musubi) 配麥茶.

甚麼是夏威夷飯糰呢?  夏威夷飯糰就是用烤過的午餐火腿肉包的飯糰. 肉有點醃過加醬油, 放在壽司飯上,  在用海苔包起來.  有點像一般的日式御飯糰. 不過鹹鹹的烤午餐火腿肉讓飯糰更入味.  好像在吃日本燒烤一樣.

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如果你問我,  這次去夏威夷最喜歡做的事是什麼? 不是血拼, 也不是在沙灘上日光浴喝插著小雨傘的 mai tai, 而是吃拉麵和喝生啤酒!!!

雖然在美國住了大半輩子. 可是每次一坐長途飛機, 一下飛機我第一件事就是想吃熱熱的湯麵.  從巴黎機場出來時, 想吃巴黎中國城的番茄蝦球湯麵.  在LAX降落後, 想喝旺旺的切仔粿條. 到達JFK時,  最想吃的就是五十七街的那家日本烏洞麵.  那天去夏威夷時, 飛機慢班了五個小時, 我在太平洋上方, 就在笑想熱呼呼的日本拉麵.  一到旅館就直奔拉麵店.  夏威夷拉麵店多到不的了.  裡面裝潢都普普, 可是拉麵一級棒!  我喜歡大口大口的吃麵,  還有大口大口的喝生啤酒.  只有一個字形容 "爽".  最好室內冷氣特強 更好

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工作忙得不可開交了   明年預算季節開始了  容容我將有一兩個月不見天日的日子   好懷念 my Cabo vacation
再把 Cabo vacation's pictures post  出來, try to remind myself - why I work so hard.......
(註  打中文實在太慢 打英文了唷)

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Cafe Massimo located at the heart of Rodeo Drive.   It's a tiny little Italian bistro, but really cozy insdie and food were great. 

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Nebres and I visited Rodeo Drive during new year holidays. Robert wanted to see if we can run into movie stars, Karin just wanted to get out of the house, and I wanted to go get my LV Passy .  it has been almost ten years since I visisted Rodeo Drive - Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel still looks the same-grand and full of that fantasy from the movie Pretty Woman.  I wonder how many people would actually visit Rodeo Drive in hope of finding that handsome wealth prince charming.

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I've been busy these days - behinds on updating my blog.....I am going to try my best to bring you all up to date.

I went to this Japanese restaurant with Penn's family few weeks ago at Old Town Pasadena. This place is one of our favoriate family lunch place.  Very authentic food, friendly staffs, and most importanlty this is one of the few places Samuel is willing to sit still allowing us to have lunch

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If you get sweet tooth and like Oreo cookies, I would recommond you check out "Joe -Joe's Candy Cane cookie" from Trader Joe's.

I think it has a cutiest name "Joe-Joe".  It tastes almost like oreo excepts it isn't as sweet as oreo and also has candy cane peppermint flavor.   This is a perfect cookie for Christmas season.  Go check it out!  It also comes with other flaovrs such as "peanut butter"

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Thank you, Smalln for the lovely Cuban dinner.

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Thank you, Smalln for the lovely Cuban dinner.

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Mom and Dad prepared me a nice meal on Friday to celebrate my birthday.  Although it is still few more days to go, but since we will have some guests stay with us for the next few days....()...they wanted to celebrate it earlier.  This is first time for many years since I celebrate birthday with them - It's nice. 
No birthday celebration can beat a fresh sashimi, hot sake and love from parents...... (okay maybe sisters night out.....)

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Mom and I visited this Shanghai place few weeks ago in San Gabriel. It's so yummy.  I've wanted to post it on my blog for a while- but was lazy lately. 

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What's your favoriate coffee place?  Mega Starbucks Chain, peet's coffe or local Mom & Dad coffee shop?

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I bought a key lime cheesecake for Trader Joe's yesterday, and we had it for dessert after dinner tonight.

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After being feeded spirtually at the church this morning, it's time to feed my stomach with yummy food.  I was watching food channel this morning making fresh arugula salad - that's what I want for lunch.  I visited this new french bakery in Old Town Pasadena.  I discovered this new french bakery, Le Pain Quotidien last month.  I've bought some bread from here before and it was great, and have been wanted to try their food for some time now.  

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E&O Trading is one of my favoriate restaurant in San Francisco.  It's a trendy Asian Fusion restaurant.  Karin and Robert brought me here in late 90th, and it has become a place I would take my out of town friends for dinner when they visit SF.  I also took my staffs here for Christmas dinner one year, and also recieved a raving review.  

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I love Martini.  I had too many Martini this weekend @ SF.  

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Everytime after a plane ride, I always feel like having a hot Chinese soup - although I've lived in U.S for 16 years, I guess I still have Asian stomach.
KK has craving for Chinese stewed beef noodle soup, so we decided to have a quick lunch at A&J Restaurant at Cupertino.

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My one case of V Sattui Gamay Rouge arruved today!

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Debra and I went to Mitsuwa for a quick bite.  We both ordered Bento Box.  I love Bento box, becuase we get a bit of everything, plus it's so colorful.

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As the countdown of my last day at work continue - Grace, Debra, and I went to Islands Restaurant for burgers as our WaMu three lunch musketeer's last supper together.  Both of them have been my lunch pals for the past year, we tried restaurants after restaurants around the area.  We enjoyed lots of different cuisine, and also gain our own share of weights .  

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