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夏威夷到處都是日本觀光客, 每走幾步就會聽到日文. 有些商店的售貨員連英文都不太會說, 只說日文.  大概是專對這些日本觀光客吧.
我覺得日本女孩都很時尚, 在潮溼炎熱的夏威夷, 還可以濃妝, 頭髮吹好好的, 穿高跟鞋, 緊牛仔褲在街頭遊走. 我實在佩服.  哪裡像我這加州的鄉巴佬, 穿短褲,  flip flop, 綁馬尾.....好像很土

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上次 post  一張 Cabo 的照片,  大家都很好奇那兒是哪裡?  謎底揭曉了!

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I was typically up around 8:30am, and Chia slept till 10am. I would got up and go for a quick walk & cafe. I enjoyed the little walk in the morning. The sun is not fully out so it's not too hot. Most guests are still sleeping to recover from previous night's parties; the place is really peaceful in the morning.

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We stayed at Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort. Pueblo Bonito is a chain luxury resort in Cabo, it has four main resorts here in Cabo:  Los Cabo and Rose are older/smaller resorts both located in downtown Cabo,  Sunset Beach and Pacifica are newer and 5 miles away from downtown located on hill side by Pacific Ocean.  

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This is my overdue vacation.  OL really needs a break from work, clear her mind, and recharge.  I wasn't looking for adventures type of vacations, or the type packed with many activities.  All I want to do is DO NOTHING - stay in the nice resort by the beach, enjoy good food, spa treatment, hang by the pool with my book and  cute cabana boys serve me cocktail with little umbrella on it. 

With a strong recommendation from my co-worker, I packed my bag and headed to Cabo San Lcuas for my 5 days vacation with my long time college pal. 

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I just returned from my 5 days vacation last night - still sorting through photos and getting familiarized with my new blog....
Here is a preview of my vacation... more to come!!! "GREAT PLACE & WONDERFUL VACATION"

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Mom and I spent a leisure Saturday afternoon at Old Town Pasadena.  Old Town is one of my favoriate place in Southern California, a great place to dine, shop or just walk around & chill.  It's popluar place for local & tourist for both its modern entertinment & unique old town neighborhood hangout place. 

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We took a stroll around Venice Beach.  It's Samuel's first time at the beach- he seems a bit scare.

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I took Monday off for the long weekend.  Gloria, Samuel and I took a short road trip to visit Steve's office at Marina Del Rey.  Marina Del Rey is a nice coastal town in Santa Monica close by Venice Beach.  I envy Steve for wokring in such a nice town.....  

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Although there are still two more days to go before the weekend, but I can't help to start thinking about the weekend plan.  It's going to be a 4 days weekend for me!!! July 4th is on Tuesday, so I decided to take Monday off also.  I can't wait!!!!

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I finally wrapped up my three days of Seattle business trip.  I've became a frequent Seattle travler for the past year.  Although the image of Seattle is "Rain", however, so far, I had all good weather everytime I visit.  My co-workers always thank me for bringing them Sunshine from Southern CA.  It's so true about "Sleepless Seattle"- for the past few days, I was having a hard time falling sleep at night - so happy to be home and in my own bed now

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