
Although there are still two more days to go before the weekend, but I can't help to start thinking about the weekend plan.  It's going to be a 4 days weekend for me!!! July 4th is on Tuesday, so I decided to take Monday off also.  I can't wait!!!!

Here are few ideas for the weekend:

1.  Watch World Cup at California Brewing Co on Saturday
France vs. Brazil at Noon.  Maybe someone is going to take me out for that using her reward from her published articles??????  The only problem is what should we do with Samuel?

2. Outdoor Performance at Temple City - 天普市週日辦國慶音樂會
I found this event from World Journal News- it sounds fun.  Anyone wants to join me this weekend?  Maybe Samuel can take his favorite Auntie and Grandpa this Sunday?
音樂會之前將舉辦野餐烤肉,公園有攤位出售熱狗和三明治等食品及飲料。燒烤下午3時30分至5時,音樂會5時開始。 此外,天普市公園從現在開始,每週三晚上7時舉辦免費音樂會,日期為7月5日、12日、19日、26日、8月2日、9日、16日、23日及30日。每場音樂會由不同的樂隊演奏,適合全家帶毯子或小椅子圍坐在草地上,邊吃野餐,邊聽音樂。天普市將在天普高中及其他五處設攤位出售國慶焰火。 天普市公園地址為:9701 Las Tunas Drive。聯絡電話:626-285-2171。 

3.  BBQ
I missed having BBQ at Nebres' -it's the traditional for July 4th....Do you think Robert/Karin/Hannah can come this weekend?  Robert can BBQ some meat for his favoriate sister-in-law?  Or maybe Dad can light up the gril, and make some Taiwanese BBQ?

4.  Santa Monica Site Visit - (Shhhhhh- it's a secert)
I guess it's okay to write about it, since Steve never visits my blog :).  Samuel, SmallN, Dad, and I are planning to visit Steve at his work place on Monday in Santa Monica.  It will be a surprise.  We can have some seafood around, and hang at the beach.....

5.   Go Camping at Almansor Park
Maybe Samuel can bring his new tent and will invite me to his new tent this time.....(

6.  Day Spa
Good idea, but expensive....Maybe I can try the Korean Spa Debra mentioned to me today who does body scrub (somehow scrub away your fat per Debra), massage, and hair/head massage.

7.  Watch Movies
I haven't seen a movie for awhile, not sure what's on.  Chick flicks or some no brainer movies might be good way to kill summer hours...

8.  Writing Blog

9.  Thinking about what to do for the next weekend?

Any more ideas, people?????  We need to spice up our weekend a bit more, more outdoor activites, less shopping.

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