
Can you guess what this is?

I got this magnet from my manicure lady, Judy as my support to my home shchool, Temple City High.  Judy is helping her daughter selling for her cheerleading team.  I remember Karin and I used to go door to door around the neighborhood with Christmas catalog trying to raise money for our chrior.  We got so excited when neighbors would willing to order wrapping papaer, chrismas orinaments, or calendar from us.  I recalld I met certain quota, and even recieved a free phone as a gift - (it's a see through color phone, I still remember it ).  I appriciated families, friends and neighbors who would buy things from me, and this is why now I would always buy from kids.

Temple City high had a pretty good football team in 90s - I am not sure about now.  I remember every Friday night during the game season, we would see the player walked around the campus full of confident with their white shirts, khaki pants, and dark green ties - they were the stars of the school.  Too bad that I never went to the game at high school.  Maybe one of these days, I would go and support my home town team.

I can watch and understand most of "national loved" sports: soccer, baseball, and basketball.  However, I still don't understand foodball.  Well, I think UCSB is the one to blame.   Why?  Because UCSB does not have a football team.  Most gals would learn about football during college year by going to the games & supports their college team or their favoriate good looking players.  Since UCSB doesn't have one - so I lost my chance.  By the time I arrived at Stanford, it was too late.  Although Cardinal is one of nation's strongest college football team, but since I didn't develop my passion at young age - I miss out again.   

Well, maybe one day I would learn to love football.  For now, Go RAMS, Go Gaucho, Go Cardinal  - I support you all!

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