
Do you still remember your 1st diary?  How did it look?  What did you write about? 
This is my first diary. 

A yellow snoopy note book, Mom and I picked up at "San Shum" department store.  I still like Snoopy a lot!!
I think I was in my first or second grade at that time - just barely learned how to write all those complicated Chinese Characters.  

I even named my diary - "Growth Diary".
I couldn't remember if I meant to draw a rabbit or just a cat with long ears.
You must wonder why I called it "Growth Diary".  I guess I was a kid with long term vision who knew people would ask 20 years later, so I wrote it down.

"Growth Diary" represents a person who writes journal during her growth period.  Hmmmm... Simple and to the point.  Maybe not too creative? 

You must wonder what a  7 years old would write in the diary. 

Nothing fancy, definitely no deep philosophy nor life long inspirational phrase (Well, still can’t write any of those after two decades ….) Just a simple laundry list of things I did - of course with my childish drawing

It's always fun to discover things from the past- a old friend, an album, a old piece or jewelry, or even a old diary.  It brings back many memories that you cherish.  

I am glad that I am writing my blog now - the childish handwriting & drawing are replaced by fancy computer font & digital pictures. However, I am sure 20 years later, joy of rediscover the past will be the same and it will be irreplaceable.

I consider this as my "BLOG Movement" during these long boring work days till my last day at work - To Those Lazy Blogger, Keep Writing!!!








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