I was living in New York City when 9/11 happened 6 years ago. As many New Yorker can testify, it was an experience that no one would ever forget and only new yorkers can understand.....
My office was across the river from World Trade Centers. The first plane hit just right before I arrived to the office that morning. No one has any clue on what's going on. I remembered standing by the window on 30th FL and saw a plane just in the middle of the building - so surreal. From far, we all thought it was some private jet with some pilot accident - no big deal.... No one thought it was an attack Without knowing what's happening, I even went down to pick up some coffee with my co-workers. Then the 2nd plane hit, and it was clear to everyone that something was wrong. I remember people rushing to get to the 1st FL. We were the only high rise building in the area cross river of the towers, people thought we might be the next target.
I was lucky that I left work right before all subways/transportation was shut down in and out Manhattan. It was not till I got home and watched TV, then realized what was just happened. it's just hard to connect terrorist attack with our day to day New York City life - it supposed to be something happen far away from us.
I never saw that many panic faces walking down the New York Street, empty shelfs in the market as people trying to stock up day to day supplies, people are fight to get that last bottom of water- kind of like war zone. Well- i guess it was a war zone....
I still remember that smell in New York City air weeks following the attack -smell of burning in the air....You can't tell if that was smell of burning buildings or human remains. So many lives were lost and families were broken. Many brave fire fighters and polices' who died trying to save lives. They are the true hero. Nothing political - but I also admire Giuliani's leadership during that time.
New York was never the same after 9/11. When the twin towers fell, many people's New York dream also went away.
Not sure what's the whole point of this article... just want to remember and honor those lost on that day, and be grateful for our lives, also be thankful for God's grace & ability to rebuild any falling towers............
- Sep 11 Tue 2007 20:23
我也曾是紐約客-- 憶9/11: Remembering 9/11