I was sitting at my office doing nothing this morning, suddenly I heard click click sounds coming from the cubicle in front of me.  "Hmmm... that sounds like someone is doing xxxx....No, it can not be."  The sound continued for a while.  "It really sounds like someone is doing xxxxx".   Being bored and nosiey, I walked out of my office and pretended to walk by.  Alright, someone is really Cutting her Nails.  The sound continued for 10 minutes since she neeeds to cut all her 10 fingure nails.  I hope she didn't need to cut her toe nails as well, it might be bit hard to lift her feet on the table......  Wow,  I guess she really feels like home at this office.

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As the countdown of my last day at work continue - Grace, Debra, and I went to Islands Restaurant for burgers as our WaMu three lunch musketeer's last supper together.  Both of them have been my lunch pals for the past year, we tried restaurants after restaurants around the area.  We enjoyed lots of different cuisine, and also gain our own share of weights .  

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I've lived in Southern California on and off for 16 years, but admittedly have never visited Little Saigon or Chinatown here.  I remembered earlier our relatives and friends painted the picutre of Chinatown and Little Siagon as streets full of crime and gangster, the place to avoid.  However, being a food lover, I've alwasy wanted to visit Little Saigon for its authentic Vietnamese food.  Visiting little Siagon is one of items on my to do list before leaving Orange County.  Debra as being a good pal who coordiated a little lunch trip for me last week.  Few of us from work headed to little Siagon for my mini advanture. 

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I'm glad that my parents taught me basic common courtesies when I was young.  Clean up after yourself, respect others privacy, it's not polite to stare at strangers,  push chairs in after you leave, etc.  Maybe that's why I can't stand some people who go to the gym and seem to have no common courtesy.

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After a satisfying dinner, Chia and I both felt too full to go straight home.  So, we walked over to Barnes and Nobel.  I decided to pick up few gift books for my staffs as my going away little thank you gifts.

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Mom didn't prepare me any dinner for the week.  Since it's my last full week in OC, Chia and I have gone out for dinner almost every night.  Tonight we visited On The Border Mexican Restaurant, becuase we both need some margarita.  Chia had a bad court day, and as for me (hmm......not much to complain since I haven't done much for a week...okay, I am being a good friend and moral support to Chia )

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Thank you all the families and friends out there who have helped me selling my lovely furniture. 

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As I down size my living space for the next year or two (hopefully).  I am selling some of my furniture.  I picked up this item about four years ago when I first moved back to California. Robert & Karin drove me around various furniture shops (Thank you!!!!):  Ikea, Crate & Barrel, Scandian Design, Levitz, and etc.  My mind was elsewhere most likely wasn’t fully operated, and just tried to get settle as soon as possible.  I didn’t do too much bargain hunting.  All I can remember is within two weeks of moving back to California. I got a car, a lease for a new apartment, a completed furniture sets, and an empty saving account. 

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