After being feeded spirtually at the church this morning, it's time to feed my stomach with yummy food.  I was watching food channel this morning making fresh arugula salad - that's what I want for lunch.  I visited this new french bakery in Old Town Pasadena.  I discovered this new french bakery, Le Pain Quotidien last month.  I've bought some bread from here before and it was great, and have been wanted to try their food for some time now.  

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Today is our long awaiting Mother & Daughter's Day.  It's the first free Saturday since I moved back home almost a month ago.  I was busy with work for the past few weeks plus some traveling.  Finally today I can enjoy a worry free Saturday with Mom and do a little shopping at Ikea.  Mom has been wanting to visit Ikea for the longest time.

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I haven't seen men who wear cuff links for a long time.  In NYC, especailly in I-banking, men loves to wear cuff links.   During my weekly regional meeting this morning, as our boss went on and on about how screw up our compensation plan is for the 10th times, I tried to find things to entertain myself.  Suddenly I noticed all the men in the conference room wear cuff links  - this is so rare for California.  Cuff links represents classic and old school, it's hard to link it with morden & relax So. California.  But I guess banking is old school......

My boss had the traditional black and gold cuff link, with his initials on it.  I notcied he also had his initial on his white shirt.  Regional manager from Beverly Hill had a silver knot cuff link- it looks like Tiffany's - I wonder if it's white gold.   RM from westlake village wore a simple silver square one.  The other manager had a titanium one on.  Just as women secrectly check out each others outfits, shoes, jewelry, and even manicure during meetings - these men seem to have some kind of secert competition on cuff links.  I wonder next time who will come in with 5 carats diamond cuff links to the meeting.....

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E&O Trading is one of my favoriate restaurant in San Francisco.  It's a trendy Asian Fusion restaurant.  Karin and Robert brought me here in late 90th, and it has become a place I would take my out of town friends for dinner when they visit SF.  I also took my staffs here for Christmas dinner one year, and also recieved a raving review.  

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I love Martini.  I had too many Martini this weekend @ SF.  

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Everytime after a plane ride, I always feel like having a hot Chinese soup - although I've lived in U.S for 16 years, I guess I still have Asian stomach.
KK has craving for Chinese stewed beef noodle soup, so we decided to have a quick lunch at A&J Restaurant at Cupertino.

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Alright,  I am back.......
I've been so busy with my new job for a week now.  Today, I finally left at more decent hour!!!!  The new job is going well, I like my new boss and people in the office.  It's just really hard trying to clean up previous person's mess in a limited time.  One of the advantage of this job is to travel more frequent to SF - I can see little Hannah more often, can have my favoriate BBQ, and hang out with KK.  That's exactly what I did on Monday.

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I've started to miss living by myself. 

The freedom of just wake up in the morning and get ready to work.   Beucase sometimes in the morning, you are in the rush and don't really like to chick chat.

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