
I’ve never been big in dancing - for one simple reason -I am not good at it and want to spare myself from embarrassing myself in front of strangers.  

Lately, I’ve been on the diet mission; try to lose few (or many I should say) pounds.  I’ve been heading to the gym after to work more often.  Yesterday, I decided to try out a Hip Hop class at LA fitness with my co-worker, Debra.
I had no idea what to except, since I’ve never been to a Hip Hop class… really don’t see myself as a street dancer :) 

There were about 15-20 people in the class last night.  It was relatively small compared to my 80 people kickboxing class. The instructor is a young Asian guy, btw,  reminds me of Dr. Ng’s brother, Kent.  The format of the class is simple, he teaches us the chirography by first breaking it down into different pieces, and the put it together at the end.  By the end of the class, we “suppose” to master the dance move – (hmmm…easier said then done).

Well, most people there were in their early 20th (looked like kids from UCI) – hey, maybe the instructor just gathered his classmates from school in order to pump up student count J  Of course, there were few other older people (myself includes) who seem to be always one step behind the rest of the class.
All I can say is the class is intimidating; most people were like pros and move well.  I was having a hard time following the step and moves…hmmm…am I really that old and lack of rhythm?  Even the fat lady in front of me got it and seemed to be so into the move!! 

The most embarrassing part is during the class; the instructor consistently broke the class into group, and asked us to perform by groups in front of everyone!!!!   What?  A test?  I thought it supposed to be a fun and relaxing activity to distress from hard day of work.

Debra and I laughed our ways through the class.  Well, although the exercise benefit weren’t much there, nor it had any help toward building my self-esteem, but it definitely had some entertainment benefit.

Maybe I am just not hip enough for Hip Hop, and should stick with Kickboxing for now.


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