Happy Birthday, Samuel! Also, Happy Birthday, Karin! (your 575 Jeans is on its way)

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Happy Birthday, Samuel! Also, Happy Birthday, Karin! (your 575 Jeans is on its way)

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Gucci Annual Sales is on..... Hurry to check out

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Today is our double showers day - Bridal Shower for Kim, and Baby shower for Victoria.  We headed to El Torito Grill for the celebration (

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I don’t know why but lately my right upper eyelid has been twitching in the morning and now during the day.  It’s kind of funny watching my eyelid twitching in the mirror.J  There is a Chinese say “Left Eyelid Twitching means something good is about to happen; Right eyelid twitching means unlucky”.  Well, luckily I don’t believe in those myths J 

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I don’t know why but lately my right upper eyelid has been twitching in the morning and now during the day.  It’s kind of funny watching my eyelid twitching in the mirror.J  There is a Chinese say “Left Eyelid Twitching means something good is about to happen; Right eyelid twitching means unlucky”.  Well, luckily I don’t believe in those myths J 

I did a little “google” to find out what’s the cause of it – It’s amazing you can pretty much find anything on the web these days (such as Baby Power is a good way to kill Ants….)  

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Nordstorm Half Yearly Sale This Week 

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I’ve never been big in dancing - for one simple reason -I am not good at it and want to spare myself from embarrassing myself in front of strangers.  

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