The weather has been so hot this week. It's perfect to stay home watching World Cup while having a light beer.  Most people are surprised to find out I am a beer drinker, somehow they think I am more a Cosmo or wine person (people are blinded by my sophisticated look ).  Well,  I do like cosmo and wine, but truely like beer.  I was reading an article from a fitness magazine the other day, it turns out that Light Beer actually has less calorie than cocktail and wine.  Now, I like beer even more.

I bought some Miller lite yesterday.  

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I always thought I have an unshakeable mind.  I don't easily get persuaded by sales person -  I know what I need the best, I really don't need a sales person to tell me that.  I used to laugh at those women, who go to the cosmetic counter and let the sales lady talks them into buy extra cosmetic they don't need.... I used to call them "weak mind".   Well, somehow, I had joined the club this weekend.

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Happy Friday!  I’m so glad the weekend it’s here.  Just the thought of not coming to work the following two days; it makes the big difference for me waking up this morning.  I jumped out of the bed the minutes my alarm went on instead of hitting the snooze button 5 times.   I guess this shows how much “Passion” I have for my current job. 

Hmmm… I wonder what Mom is going to prepare for me this weekend?  Where should we go eat tomorrow?  I’m already in the weekend mode.  

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Since I started writing my blog, I've become more senstive to things that are happening around me, able to appriciate little events/things - this is one benefit I wasn't expected earlier.  Do my fellow bloggers feel the samey way?

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